North Korea was on the front pages just a few months ago. Obviously the Chinese, who are the major suppliers of everything to North Korea, told them in strong terms to cease and desist. There is no possible way the North Korea leadership would or could stand up to the Chinese.
Crisis resolved, off the front pageS, on to the next thing...
As Russia is the major supplier to Syria, you would suspect that they could have very significant influence on the Syrians behavior.
Russia's economy is extremely dependent on energy prices. Crisis in the Mideast causes prices of oil and related commodities to rise. Russia's economy is able to sustain itself on the higher energy prices.
As a general rule, the United States doesn't like energy prices this high and would like to see the chaos in Syria come to a halt.
President Obama goes to the Russians and says; "Hey you can bring a stop to this so please do it". The Russians know the Americans can't stand confrontation. They foresee the chaos in that part of the world potentially leading to increased influence of the Russians over the entire Mideastern oil supplies.
Here is the "real story"; what we are witnessing in Syria has little to do with the sociopathic Assad and the rebel terrorist organizations. It is totally a confrontation between the United States and Russia and has the potential to move in the direction of the Cuban Missile crisis, not just a Mideast conflict.
Russia could easily bring an end to what we see going on in Syria by joining with the US and western nations. They see little need to do that because so far President Obama is neither President Kennedy, President Reagan, President Roosevelt or Churchill. He is hiding behind his "bodyguards", the "CONGRESS", and is afraid to confront the real perpetrators of the catastrophe in Syria.
Crisis resolved, off the front pageS, on to the next thing...
As Russia is the major supplier to Syria, you would suspect that they could have very significant influence on the Syrians behavior.
Russia's economy is extremely dependent on energy prices. Crisis in the Mideast causes prices of oil and related commodities to rise. Russia's economy is able to sustain itself on the higher energy prices.
As a general rule, the United States doesn't like energy prices this high and would like to see the chaos in Syria come to a halt.
President Obama goes to the Russians and says; "Hey you can bring a stop to this so please do it". The Russians know the Americans can't stand confrontation. They foresee the chaos in that part of the world potentially leading to increased influence of the Russians over the entire Mideastern oil supplies.
Here is the "real story"; what we are witnessing in Syria has little to do with the sociopathic Assad and the rebel terrorist organizations. It is totally a confrontation between the United States and Russia and has the potential to move in the direction of the Cuban Missile crisis, not just a Mideast conflict.
Russia could easily bring an end to what we see going on in Syria by joining with the US and western nations. They see little need to do that because so far President Obama is neither President Kennedy, President Reagan, President Roosevelt or Churchill. He is hiding behind his "bodyguards", the "CONGRESS", and is afraid to confront the real perpetrators of the catastrophe in Syria.