you worked at a doctors office.After you leave job you still want access to patient record. You work for a company. When you quit you still want access to company info.Your a teacher. you leave.You still want test scores of students. Only government employees demand continued access to information. It makes no sense on any level,,Its all about a 300 year old power structure. One democrat went so far to say this isn't a great country,.Only he is great.He can judge the whole country . .
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Monday, August 13, 2018
There is a man by the name of Stanley O'Neal. He is a black man. He was also the CEO of Merrill Lynch. He also presided over Merrill Lynch during the near bankruptcy of the firm.
After the finanacial crisis of 2008, Vanity Fair magazine wrote a scathing article about the enormous failures of this man and his enormous contribtuion to the housing and related crisis. (November 2010)
The name of the article was "The Blundering Herd". STANLEY O'NEAL WALKED OFF WITH HUNDERDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF COMPENSATION. According to the article Mr. O'Neal left the firm with "161 Million in retirement benefits and Merrill Lynch stock."
Why in the world did the Occupy Wall Street people march to the homes of white people who had relatively nothing, if anything at all, to do with the financial crisis of 2008? Why hasn't our President spoken to this man's (O'Neal) enormous failures and greed.
Picking people for jobs of any sort based on gender, race religion, etc. is self defeating but being politically correct, when there are facts that suggest the falseness of that approach, is equally as dangerous.
After the finanacial crisis of 2008, Vanity Fair magazine wrote a scathing article about the enormous failures of this man and his enormous contribtuion to the housing and related crisis. (November 2010)
The name of the article was "The Blundering Herd". STANLEY O'NEAL WALKED OFF WITH HUNDERDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF COMPENSATION. According to the article Mr. O'Neal left the firm with "161 Million in retirement benefits and Merrill Lynch stock."
Why in the world did the Occupy Wall Street people march to the homes of white people who had relatively nothing, if anything at all, to do with the financial crisis of 2008? Why hasn't our President spoken to this man's (O'Neal) enormous failures and greed.
Picking people for jobs of any sort based on gender, race religion, etc. is self defeating but being politically correct, when there are facts that suggest the falseness of that approach, is equally as dangerous.
Friday, August 10, 2018
How not to feel good. I had cancer. Pretty advanced state. My blood pressure probably went up. The good things in my life seemed to stand still. How could I have cancer? I'm feeling good. Yeah, I had this little ailment and that little ailment. I was feeling fine. Then the Doctor told me "you don't know what it is to feel good anymore. You have gotten so used to feeling bad that you actually feel it's good. But you are sick, you just don't know it." So be the path to believing that you are good even when you are bad.
That's what's happened to the psyche of a large segment of the American public from constantly being told how bad we are as a nation and how much is wrong with us. It's the exact opposite of thinking you are well, when you are really sick.
The continual attack by the Democratic progressive liberal establishment has told us there is so much wrong, how can we ever feel good about ourselves. This may sound like alot of words but its vital.
According to a major Democrat the new tax bill is the worst thing that ever happened in the history of the country. The climate changes are going to drown us all and stop us from breathing. The coal is going to pollute us. The nuclear reactors are going to blow us up. The anti abortion people are racists. The statues should come down. The football players can use the public airways but disrespect the country. The bathrooms should no longer be for men and women,. The military should be allowed to be weakened. Prayer in school is prejudice against minorities. The wealthy are too rich. The meaning of marriage should be changed. Merry Christmas is abusive. The Pledge of Allegiance is offensive. Immigration laws are discriminatory. There are too many guns. Health care should be free.Profits are a disease, and on and on it goes.
I was feeling well even though I was sick. We have been made to feel we are sick even though this nation has never been "weller".
The new administration is trying to make us feel well again respectful of the greatness of our nation The left wing Clinton Obama Alinsky panic is so overwhelming that they will stoop to any lengths to make us believe we are feeling sick and are in a terrible place.
"Give Peace a Chance". Don't let them drag us down under the guise of being sick.
That's what's happened to the psyche of a large segment of the American public from constantly being told how bad we are as a nation and how much is wrong with us. It's the exact opposite of thinking you are well, when you are really sick.
The continual attack by the Democratic progressive liberal establishment has told us there is so much wrong, how can we ever feel good about ourselves. This may sound like alot of words but its vital.
According to a major Democrat the new tax bill is the worst thing that ever happened in the history of the country. The climate changes are going to drown us all and stop us from breathing. The coal is going to pollute us. The nuclear reactors are going to blow us up. The anti abortion people are racists. The statues should come down. The football players can use the public airways but disrespect the country. The bathrooms should no longer be for men and women,. The military should be allowed to be weakened. Prayer in school is prejudice against minorities. The wealthy are too rich. The meaning of marriage should be changed. Merry Christmas is abusive. The Pledge of Allegiance is offensive. Immigration laws are discriminatory. There are too many guns. Health care should be free.Profits are a disease, and on and on it goes.
I was feeling well even though I was sick. We have been made to feel we are sick even though this nation has never been "weller".
The new administration is trying to make us feel well again respectful of the greatness of our nation The left wing Clinton Obama Alinsky panic is so overwhelming that they will stoop to any lengths to make us believe we are feeling sick and are in a terrible place.
"Give Peace a Chance". Don't let them drag us down under the guise of being sick.
Saturday, June 16, 2018
Sunday, May 27, 2018
sex the story your all afraid to tell
She had a short skirt.Her\sweater was very low cut.Her legs were not crossed .HER BREASTS were large, her figure way above average, in todays standards. The man said , you are really attractive. If we meet again please dress a little less provocitively. Five years later, the law suit, sleaszy lawyer.You objectified her. You looked to closely at her.You had no right to notice her sexuality, Almost as there is no such word. Before you know it, we will be marching backwards and covering up.MAYBE THE SAUDIS ARE RIGHT? Men will become afraid of women, Women will lose job opportunities. In the workplace no on will dare be friends. We will be sure male female relationships will weaken considerably. Men will not want to marry, They will even want less children.. This will all happen because a few cowardly bulling men lost there sense of loving and caring. Instead they became abusers of power. They were weak and they were criminals. But filing charges years and years later unless you were raped by force, threated with punishment or similar action will do more harm that good. As the men were bullies , the women can be even worse, THEY HIDE BEHIND SUBTLEY OF BEING THE WEAKER SEX, AS THEY EXPLOIT SYMPATHY, OFTEN NOT DESERVED. WOMEN ARE OFTEN THE ABUSER WITH DIFFERENT METHODS BUT THE SAME RESULT.WEAK WOMEN USING OTHER TRAITS INSTEAD OF PHYSICAL POWER .(WHY DO SO MANY MARRIAGES REQUIRE PRENUPTIALS?) Rule number one. keep your hands off other people and that means women too.)
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Friday, April 27, 2018
rape of the Male
Only men are being accused. Women thru the centuries have used sexual favors psychological manipulation and and lies to gain favor with the opposite sex. I know of one case of such a woman who loved to drink lie and cheat in order to get what she thinks she needed. Because of the climate towards accusing men i will be writing about the female version of the weinsteins Let the two sided story bring light to who things really happen to.( i am not talking about rape and drugging.IN this novel truth and fiction will collide so that the real facts seem to get lost in a vast coverup. BUT YOU WILL SEE THAT THE RELENTLESS VICTIM GETS THE THE PROSECUTOR TO SEE T.HE negativeEFFECT ON SOCIETY.The cliché words protecting the crime are defeated by truth .
Friday, April 6, 2018
With all the rhetoric about everything,very little is said about the greatness of America's ingenuity. Caterpillar, Boeing, Microsoft, Drug companies, Google, Facebook, Cisco, IBM, General Motors....I could go on and on and on. In the process of globalization, it's easy enough to copy our high labor content products but how many great drugs have come out of China, Venezuela, Russia, North Korea, Mexico...I could go on and on and on.
Yes we make what seem to be continuous mistakes and we don't solve some big problems, but to call the American contribution to human and industrial development anything but great is to be looking in the wrong direction.
When China announces its going to make a commercial jet its just a copycat. That's all.
Unfortunately, the copycats of the world are a significant competitive force. When our own government doesn't realize that much more money is saved by the creation of new drugs, than is achieved by all the generics in the world, is to add "insult to injury." Stay Tuned...
Yes we make what seem to be continuous mistakes and we don't solve some big problems, but to call the American contribution to human and industrial development anything but great is to be looking in the wrong direction.
When China announces its going to make a commercial jet its just a copycat. That's all.
Unfortunately, the copycats of the world are a significant competitive force. When our own government doesn't realize that much more money is saved by the creation of new drugs, than is achieved by all the generics in the world, is to add "insult to injury." Stay Tuned...
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
This is a short blog about things you already know. Violence is taught thru many mediums. It could be the parents, books, movies, television or video games. We live in a culture of violence. Many Hollywood people find ways to deflect the nature of their violent products away from themselves. It seems like almost every television program or movie pertains to violence and crime whether it be historical or current.
The greatest hypocrisy is someone like George Clooney who is busy blaming everyone else while he hides behind guards in huge mansions.
There are 150,000 elementary and high schools in America. That equals 150,000 school openings per day and 750,000 per week which is 3 million openings a month and 36 million openings and closings per year.
Those of you that want to have an honest view of the situation can look at the few blogs I have written on school safety. Clearly our schools have not been made safe enough. That doesn't detract from the honest view that school shootings are already close to zero.
Just to keep the records straight 19 year old kids shouldn't be allowed to buy automatic weapons. Parents should be held accountable for their children's actions. Background checks shouldn't take three days, they should take three months. There should be no rush to give people automatic weapons.
At the very least if you are a consumer of the violence prepared by the "ton" in Hollywood, at least recognize that you don't know if the entertainment business educates people, with a tendency towards violence, to actually act on what society make readily available.
The greatest hypocrisy is someone like George Clooney who is busy blaming everyone else while he hides behind guards in huge mansions.
There are 150,000 elementary and high schools in America. That equals 150,000 school openings per day and 750,000 per week which is 3 million openings a month and 36 million openings and closings per year.
Those of you that want to have an honest view of the situation can look at the few blogs I have written on school safety. Clearly our schools have not been made safe enough. That doesn't detract from the honest view that school shootings are already close to zero.
Just to keep the records straight 19 year old kids shouldn't be allowed to buy automatic weapons. Parents should be held accountable for their children's actions. Background checks shouldn't take three days, they should take three months. There should be no rush to give people automatic weapons.
At the very least if you are a consumer of the violence prepared by the "ton" in Hollywood, at least recognize that you don't know if the entertainment business educates people, with a tendency towards violence, to actually act on what society make readily available.
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Anyone who thinks, in spite of Russia's weaknesses, that we have the political will and military strength to threaten Russia is asleep at the switch. Putin is going to be President again for a long time. We have to deal with him whether we want to or not. Even before WWII the American people would not stand up to Hitler until the Japanese attack on Hawaii.
The Internet will never be private. If you don't like it , don't use it.
The Internet will never be private. If you don't like it , don't use it.
Thursday, February 22, 2018
I am seventy five years old. I was a young boy during WWII. It was commonplace to be exposed to stories about the Germans in which children were rewarded to come forward to snitch on their parents or family. These young children were following the Nazi propaganda line.
Many adults looked in dismay as a country rewarded children for being whistle blowers. It was considered an abominable breach of most American's ethics.
Now in America we reward, with substantial gifts, those who help our Justice Department and SEC prosecutors capture and then punish who are often their friends and colleagues. Our sense of justice is to tell people if you whistle blow, you can get rich and if necessary go into the witness protection program.
As Americans we have actually come to accept this as an appropriate approach to the pursuit of crimes.
I have great difficulty understanding how we abhor the actions of the children of Germany, but find little ability to speak about whether we want such behavior in our own country.
Many adults looked in dismay as a country rewarded children for being whistle blowers. It was considered an abominable breach of most American's ethics.
Now in America we reward, with substantial gifts, those who help our Justice Department and SEC prosecutors capture and then punish who are often their friends and colleagues. Our sense of justice is to tell people if you whistle blow, you can get rich and if necessary go into the witness protection program.
As Americans we have actually come to accept this as an appropriate approach to the pursuit of crimes.
I have great difficulty understanding how we abhor the actions of the children of Germany, but find little ability to speak about whether we want such behavior in our own country.
Thursday, January 18, 2018
President Trump has now brought attention to poverty. Being politically correct buried the story. Continuation of the problem is allowing it to get worse. The six poorest countries in the world are all in Africa. They are Burundi, Niger, Malawi, Gambia, Liberia and Congo Kinshasa which were all European colonies.
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
For years I wanted to write about Calpers. I just never got around to it. It epitomizes one of the things that have been wrong in the investment arena.
Calpers had several hundred billion dollars under management for California state employees. They have long made a practice of complaining about corporate managements who their investment personnel thought were not managing their companies effectively.
The people who made these complaints knew next to nothing about managing companies. They were concerned with self serving publicity. Many of us have known for years that if Calpers had been held accountable for their own mismanagement of the investments under their areas of responsibility, the beneficiaries of Calpers assets might have been rewarded.
The New York Times ran an article today stating that Calpers lost about a quarter of their total investment portfolio during the last few years. Investment professionals will best serve their clients if they stick to money management and not corporate management, which is usually used to serve as a total distraction from their own lack of money management skills.
Calpers had several hundred billion dollars under management for California state employees. They have long made a practice of complaining about corporate managements who their investment personnel thought were not managing their companies effectively.
The people who made these complaints knew next to nothing about managing companies. They were concerned with self serving publicity. Many of us have known for years that if Calpers had been held accountable for their own mismanagement of the investments under their areas of responsibility, the beneficiaries of Calpers assets might have been rewarded.
The New York Times ran an article today stating that Calpers lost about a quarter of their total investment portfolio during the last few years. Investment professionals will best serve their clients if they stick to money management and not corporate management, which is usually used to serve as a total distraction from their own lack of money management skills.
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