During the largest smallpox epedemic someone had an idea.
A Gardners young son was dying and full of sores. SOMEONE decided to rub a cloth with the disease.THen rubbed the infected cloth on the wounds of new smallpox cases.ANDso began the beginning of a vaccine THE patients very often lived. Could u imagine if anyone would reccomend such an approach today,THIS PROCEDURE HAD A NAME. GO LOOK IT UP.BY THE WAY THE BOY LIVED BEYOND EXPECTATIONS STAY SMART.
A Gardners young son was dying and full of sores. SOMEONE decided to rub a cloth with the disease.THen rubbed the infected cloth on the wounds of new smallpox cases.ANDso began the beginning of a vaccine THE patients very often lived. Could u imagine if anyone would reccomend such an approach today,THIS PROCEDURE HAD A NAME. GO LOOK IT UP.BY THE WAY THE BOY LIVED BEYOND EXPECTATIONS STAY SMART.