Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Everyone expects President Obama to win the first debate.  If Candidate Romney has the wisdom to present the facts clearly and strongly, he should win the debate easily.

  1. The socialistic policies of Europe have resulted in an 20% plus unemployment rate in Spain and Greece. Italy and Portugal are heading in the same direction.
  2. Japan has become a no growth economy for over a decade because it too followed the wrong policies.
  3. The chaos in the Middle East is as bad as it's ever been, if not worse.
  4. The domestic coal industry has collapsed.
  5. The price of natural gas is so low that no one will make much money producing it.
  6. Only 25% of the people in Afghanistan can read after all this time.
  7. There is no sound reason the Ambassador in Libya should have not been protected.
  8. The economy has been buoyed by only Federal Reserve policies of "zero" percent interest rates.  
  9. The head of the Federal Reserve was originally appointed by President Bush and only reappointed by President Obama because he had little choice at the time.
  10. The democratic political rhetoric about the plight about the middle class is bogus because all the places the middle class work can only provide them with more income if the economy has stable, steady, faster growth.
  11. The use of labels like "middle-class' and "ultra-wealthy" can be turned on the President by pointing out economic truths.
  12. The Democratic solar and wind power initiatives are failing and even have included malfeasance and misfeasance - "Solyndra".
  13. The economy is at a standstill  - real unemployment is well above the reported unemployment figures.
  14. Democrat Pelosi's son worked for the largest purveyor of subprime mortgages.
  15. Barney Frank drove Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into bankruptcy with his political agenda.
  16. Although well hidden, President Clinton was a major perpetrator of the housing fiasco.
  17. Obama's head of the SEC, Shapiro, was involved with Bernie Madoff.
  18. The President's agenda called for the demise of "Don't ask, Don't tell" when everybody's sexuality should be their own business.
  19. Under Obama, killing babies is not even questioned as long as the pro-abortion position gets votes.  
  20. The constant attack on the top one percent never points out that they pay most of the taxes anyhow and that President Obama never hesitates to take large political donations from them. 
  21. The Democrats never have the courage to claim that federal income taxes should be paid by everyone as a citizen of this country.
  22. The President never points out that low tax rates are usually from charitable deductions and tax free municipal bonds which are both perfectly legal government tax policies.
The argument is not about who care about the middle class because both candidates do.  It's about whose policies will give the middle class and all class policies more.  


Shepard Osherow. All Rights Reserved