Sunday, January 15, 2017


President Obama at a fundraiser yesterday spoke about how difficult it was to bring "change" in politics.  In his speech he drew attention to himself within the context of Gandhi and Mandela. 

It is quite astonishing to see our President bring himself into the company of these two men.  He obviously was attempting to point out their greatness and even they needed time to attempt to bring change.

It just so happens within the last year I had reread a book by Arthur Herman named "Gandhi & Churchill".  Those of you who are ardent supporters of our President will unfortunately not appreciate the paragraphs I am extracting from that book. If you want to stand within the world with these unique people you must stand on pedestals with multiple sides.

From the book Gandhi & Churchill:
In 1938, Gandhi urged the Czechs to use non violence against the Germans instead of bullets.  He urged the German Jews to do the same.  "The Jews of Germany can offer satyagraha under infinitely better auspices than Indians in South Africa." Gandhi actually said that the German Jews were more gifted than the Indians of South Africa.  Gandhi said a passive attitude would win the world's admiration and perhaps even that of the German people.  "The German Jews will score a lasting victory over the German gentiles..." Gandhi even urged the Jews to disarm their persecutors by praying for Hitler.  "If even one Jew acted thus he said confidently it would save the whole of Jewry".  Gandhi even felt that "the Jews should have offered themselves to the butcher's knife..."  In 1939, he wrote a letter to Hitler begging him to renounce violence and telling a friend that Hitler is "not a bad man".  He said that future generations would "honor Hitler as a genius, as a brave man, a matchless organizer and much more".  In 1941, Gandhi praised Hitler's bravery and devotion to his fatherland and stated that we don't believe that you are the monster described by your opponents, namely Winston Churchill.

And so ends Gandhi's Pro-Hitler missives as the war picked up its momentum and surrender was no longer an option. 

I'm sure we all agree that the importance of avoiding war cannot even be put into words that would adequately express the horrors of such events.  But woe to the Israelites and to those who have been brought into slavery by the tyrants throughout history. As a Harvard graduate, if Obama wants to stand with Gandhi, I presume he is aware of the full picture. 

Shepard Osherow. All Rights Reserved