Monday, June 11, 2012


The left-wing democrats are claiming the Romney does not support teachers, police officers or firefighters.

There are several things these three groups have in common among others.

One - They are all government jobs.
Two - They are all Union jobs.
Three - They are all groups that have attempted to use fear as a basis for taxpayer's support.
Four - They are all paid for with tax dollars.
Five - We pay for these services whether we want them or not.

If you don't support the teachers, you wont get education for your kids. If you don't support the firefighters, your house will burn down and if your don't support the police officers you will be attacked by the "hoards".

These jobs are called "essential" services.

Now think about it this way. If food isn't delivered to the super market, is that an essential service? If medicine isn't delivered to the drug store, is that an essential service? If the pharmacies and doctors don't do their jobs, is that essential services? If your dog is sick, is your veterinarian an essential service. How about a gas station - I guess that's an essential service too.

The left-wing unionized workers unions have found ways to differentiate themselves from the rest of us so that what they do is an "essential" service. Essential is defined as union.

Obviously Candidate Romney salutes the work done by ALL essential services as does President Obama.

The difference is Romney is looking for ways to increase the size of the economic pie whereas Obama just counts votes.


  1. The truth is the truth -

  2. We need those people be fair

    1. Thank you for writing. Although we hardly ever respond to a comment, I thought I could learn from you by asking a question. What is it that my blog says that is unfair?

  3. I was just thinking you could classify different essential positions. I understand your points.



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